In the case of Glenda Franklin--a former employee of Chicago's 17th Ward alderman Latasha Thomas--the boss received a "surprise" of her own.
After working for Alderman Thomas for 7 years, Ms. Franklin told her employer that she wanted to run for that same seat in 2015. However, the 50-year-old community advocate contends that her decision is not rooted in betrayal. Instead, she feels her campaign is part of a divine assignment.
"Politicians are not standing up and saying anything," Ms. Franklin told Zack's TV in a recent phone interview. "They don't use politics to advance the whole community."
While some critics have questioned her political motives, Ms. Franklin contends that she and Alderman Thomas parted amicably. "Because I am a loyal person, I always made Alderman Thomas aware of what I was doing as her employee," she said. " I told her: 'I'm going to leave your office so I can run my campaign.'"
According to local reports, Franklin's campaign has been off to a strong start. She received the endorsement of her pastor, Father Michael Pfleger-- a well known minister and activist. In addition to that, young voters have been embracing Ms. Franklin's grassroots efforts to engage them in the political process. (In the video below, Ms. Franklin speaks to prospective voters.)
Post by Glenda Franklin.
For all voters of the 17th Ward, Ms. Franklin has one mission: to provide empowerment. In her eyes, the best way to be empowered is to participate in the political process.
"We must get out and vote."