

Chicago Youth Tweet For Jobs And Peace

Kids Off The Block, a Chicago youth organization, is responding to the city's recent wave of violence with a Twitter campaign. 

Members of the group created a new trending topic, #NoJobsNoPeace, in an effort to raise awareness about an upcoming rally and bring jobs to the city's most impoverished neighborhoods. This Friday, the group will on 116th and Michigan in front of a memorial of stones directly across from their center. The organization's founder, Diane Latiker, created the memorial several years ago and it has received international attention. But the 55-year-old grandmother and CNN Hero honoree wants her Roseland community to receive the spotlight for positive things instead of the poverty and crime its residents endure. 

"[The young people] are suffering! They need jobs now!" Latiker told Zack's TV on Tuesday. 

She says that the memorial--officially known as "The K.O.B. Memorial Tribute To Young People Killed By Violence"--will serve as a perfect backdrop for Friday's rally and press conference.  

As of now, only a few people are tweeting but K.O.B.hopes that the movement will catch on.

Lakeesha Renee, a K.O.B. leader, tweeted that : "It is easier to get a gun than it is to get a job."

Adina Denoms, a former Roseland resident, applauds the efforts of K.O.B. and hopes that the young people will be successful in their efforts. 

"The youth have to stop the violence, drug selling/usage, and vandalism...with the mentality of maturity and a servant's spirit," the 37-year-old caterer says. But she also believes that the youth will not be successful without the entire community becoming involved--including the church. 

"The church needs to step in, in order to help the youth understand what a 'servant's spirit' is and to tap into their gifts."

*** For more information about #NoJobsNoPeace, search for it on Twitter or follow @dianekob . 

~ Zack A. Isaacs

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