But Pharrell, 41, is only "new" to those who listen to pop music.

In addition to making music for grown ups, Mr. Williams has recently tackled the "family-friendly" market by producing songs for "Despicable Me" and "Despicable Me 2" (which features the ultra catchy but sometimes overplayed "Happy" song).
This weekend, the Pharrell brand will receive more exposure as he opens up about his life in a few prerecorded interviews-- one of which will be on "Oprah Prime" (airing on the talk show queen's eponymous network.)
Yalanda Lattimore, editor of DryerBuzz.com, offered a theory about why Pharrell is such a big name right now.
"As the old saying goes: 'Family celebrates you when strangers celebrate you,'" Lattimore explained to Zack's TV.
According to Lattimore, Pharrell's new found appeal relates to the idea that one group may overlook a person's gift until another acknowledges it. "The secret to success is to get strangers to like you," she revealed.
Fans like Jeremy Horn are anything but strangers to the work of "Sk8board P." The 28-year-old creative director for Chicago's Swank PR agency helps develop the brands of new and current artists daily. Therefore, he knows what his clients need to possess that "it factor." In his eyes, Pharrell is a true "musical genius" who creates songs that bring people together.
"What I like about Pharrell's music is that it is colorblind," says Horn. "He does not only produce Hip Hop music; he also produces a lot of music from different genres."
Earlier today, Pharrell opened up to CBS Sunday Morning about who is the most responsible for his success: his teachers.
"Take all of my band teachers out of [my story]," he proposed. "Where am I? I'm back in Virginia."
Based on his current success, Pharrell won't have to move back to his home state anytime soon--unless that is what will really make him "Happy."